Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Red Ewcm Would You Still Count This As EWCM?

Would you still count this as EWCM? - red ewcm

Hello Ladies

Sorry, havn't been on much lately .. To contact me update New BFP, etc.? I went to my doctor told me that he believed that stress is a major influence on why I did not design and to recognize that my cycles seem to be fine cause! I told him that I have about 4 days in Mid-cycle spots, he thinks, to detect ovulation, and I'm in a high probability of ovulation, even though I've never really had a positive OPK.

So my partner and I have decided not to try to think for a while, because stress also caused tension in our relationship, it was not an environment I want a child to wear! So if you come in S / A, I try not to think on the web, working defo! We have sex when we went, not because we must.

To ask a q..

Well, I need to ovulation time ... and the situation is different, I'm always getingt ABIT! Your EWCM thick as it is red because his blood! In general, only blended their location and not with EWCMthis! Someone knows what it is .. Why is it be otherwise? XX


Lucky Lady said...

The truth is that if there is something wrong with each of you, the prevention of pregnancy is "surrender" or "think / no question" are not helpful and not become pregnant. My husband and I are TTC # 1 for 2 years and have done everything to give up everything and took a vacation, or are stressed out, we done all that and still not had a successful pregnancy, you know why? For there is something that prevents us from pregnant, which is his low sperm count. Your doctor is an idiot, sorry. He has no right to sit and say that there is a substantial likelihood that ovulation, when I told him that I never had a + OPK. See 4 days on half of the cycle does not seem right to me, that requires immediate attention. Detection of ovulation is a drop of blood or color dye / red EWCM, no blood or slight bleeding in pieces. What we describe, in my opinion, it looks like this EWCM, more like a blood clot. Did the formation of blood clots in mid-cycle is not normal.

Lost to know what the voltage, I see a woman in 1 months, his mother, his brother suffered a heart attack, said her husband was over seas, he would find work put to sleep with your dog CUS was very ill and they moved, and now she is pregnant this month. If it does not emphasize, I'm not sure what it is. And I have not seen "no thought" because it was included in the spirit of this month. Do not take a break for it, regardless of what happened.

Sorry, I'm sorry to say, but what you describe makes me think that you are triggered. I think you should plan your time to confirm ovulation, if you believe that ovulation occurs in reality. Thus, firstly, that the search for a new doctor, please! It has not the slightest idea what he's talking and not the doctor that you trust to lead not ovulating the slightest proof. I understand that to love, if you will, and not when it is necessary, but if you TTC, there are days when sex is important and gives orE better opportunity. How often have you tried? After a year, it is important to check into that. You need a seed and needs blood tests, ultrasound and HSG. Go to the bottom of what happened May instead always worth it, trust me. Be active, which the baby is thirsty, they will give.

Also, I agree with the use of the monitor, I have more than one years Couln't more impressed by him. It takes all the assumptions of the TTC, is the easiest thing ever made.

Good luck to you and sending baby powder.

EDIT: Lola is right, you need a gynecologist, not a doctor. A doctor is not trained in a gynecologist or fertility soft. Do not waste your time with a physician.

LizE said...

Is it elastic? If so, that could be EWCM. You can have a high ovulation this cycle that you no longer emphasizes TTC. It is not uncommon in the area during ovulation and OPK not the best option for everyone since it is easy to neglect your LH surge. Home BDing and good luck!

Baby Powder

Jellybean due 12/07/10 (ddmmyy!) said...

Hey hun,

I have also asked where he got lol you missed!
Sounds like fertile EWCM for me:)
What Lizzie said, probably because they wanted, and they are less stressedd.
Good luck, my darling! Many babydust for you!


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