I have some of the symptoms of diabetes? - diabetes symptoms
I am 12 years old (Grade 7) and has been experiencing some symptoms of diabetes. But even here it could be because I am always.
Blurred vision
Extreme hunger
Increased fatigue
Itchy skin, fungal infections
Pain in the legs (but rare)
What are the symptoms most. If I am a doctor at all?
According to my doctor, are the three main symptoms of diabetes:
Urinate a lot
Alcohol abuse
lose too much weight
You have not mentioned one of them, but was a good idea to have a complete physical that your mind take you to initialize to.
Can not hurt to go for a medical examination. All that is needed is a fasting blood test and can verify whether there are other problems at the same time.
Thirst and weight loss without trying to be the main symptoms of the IMO, because they show that your body tries to expel the excess sugar. The list of symptoms that can be diabetes, but are equally likely to report strong growth, show increased activity, stress, etc.
It is highly unlikely that the symptoms are caused by diabetes. It is relatively easy to control - your doctor may glucoscan a "simple" to see if you have high blood sugar levels. Only a drop of blood, and if your blood sugar is normal, then you do not have diabetes.
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